Today is GCSE RESULTS DAY 2018, where thousands of teenagers go to collect the results of the last 2 years work. Whilst some will be over joyed that they have gained the results they need to go to college or 6th form, others may not have got what they want.
Sometimes the pressure these youngsters put them selves under is not so healthy, today there will be plenty of teenagers out there who do not know where to turn from here. They will think that they have failed, have let people down and have let themselves down.
We would just like to remind these students that if you did not attain the results you needed, please do not despair. Tomorrow is another day, there will be further chances, further opportunities and more importantly second, third or fourth chances.
I myself did not get the results I wanted at GCSE. Back then some of the opportunities of today did not exist. So I left school and found work.
However today there are plenty of options open to you. Speak to you school advisers and teachers. They are there to help, and will be happy to explain further options to you. Maybe you would like another chance as you feel you could do better, maybe academia is not your strong point so something more “hands on” maybe where your strengths lie.
If you did get the results you required “Well Done You”. Hope your future is bright whatever you choose to do. If you did not then your future is just as bright, you are young , adaptable and will capitalize on your new opportunities.
Whatever your results today. Remember tomorrow can be a fresh start !!